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Data Type    Yes/No or Calculated

Entry Type    Calculated

Description    The Summary field indicates whether the assignment information for resources used within the current project is from the currently open project or another project that uses the same resources.

Best Uses    When using the Resource Usage view, add the Summary field to filter out resource assignment information that comes from other projects in which the resources are being used. Similarly, you can display only resource assignment information from other projects in order to determine how busy the resources are before you assign them to the current project.

Remarks    When you open a project, you can specify whether summary assignment information for resources will be used. On the Login dialog box, select the Load Summary Resource Assignments check box.


  • You can add the Summary field only to resource views.

  • Keep in mind that the Summary field for assignment information is distinct from the same field used for task information. The task version of this field is used in the Task Usage view and does not show information across projects.

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